Beranda > Product > Detail > SE 300 miniVE Integrated Vertical Electrophoresis and Blotting Unit, basic
SE 300 miniVE Integrated Vertical Electrophoresis and Blotting Unit, basic

SE 300 miniVE Integrated Vertical Electrophoresis and Blotting Unit, basic dapat melakukan elektroforesis dan transfer elektro dalam satu unit yang kokoh dan kompak.

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Spesifikasi SE 300 miniVE Integrated Vertical Electrophoresis and Blotting Unit, basic

Informasi Produk

Keunggulan Produk

  • Cast, run, and blot two long mini gels in one instrument
  • Quick, excellent results use minimal buffer
  • Efficient cooling produces gels with straight lanes and flat bands
  • Tranfer 4 gels in 45 minutes with only 300 ml buffer using optional SE 302 Blot Modules
  • Sturdy, safe, and easy to use

Suhu Penyimpanan

+15 °C to +30 °C


1 piece

Nomor Katalog


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